Animal Science | Mollusks - Octopus
Fun Facts
Octopus came from the Greek word októpus, which means eight-foot
Around 289 species of Octopoda
Carnivores – eat clams, shrimps, lobsters, fish, sharks, and even birds

Animal Science | The 5 Kingdoms
Animals are one part of the ecosystem and living things on this planet. Besides Fungi and Plants, which are more familiar to us, there are two other, more hidden, species here. Bacteria and Protists are microscopic small, that’s why we are rarely aware of them.
Scientists still debating if …

Step by Step - "Scorpion King"
In this post, i want to show you, one creature, i never posted before on social media. (because the person stopped working on the project.)
A bit of background story before i show the model. So the client contacted me on …

Step by Step - "Hopper Spine"
Here is a step-by-step process of client work i did last year. I had to do a Frog creature which was for a game.
You can see above that i didn’t need to start from 0% because they already had a base mesh for this type of creature in their database. The reason for that is simple. There were …

The FEAR of starting something NEW
Do you know that feeling of holding yourself back with procrastination, with endless planning but never acting, and finding any kind of excuse to not do the things you should or want to do?
When you think about it, it is weird that we avoid situations even when we really want …

Freelance vs Studio
We have two types of work here. The one side, and most known, is the type you work in a company 5 days a week and 8+ hours a day, for as long as you want or are allowed to.
The other type is working as an independent freelancer for all kinds of clients mostly from home. Or if you put a lot of effort and …

I lost my passion for Art. What should I do?
Well, this is a topic every single artist will go through sooner or later. You can translate this passion into all areas of your life, not only in art. So maybe this thread will help you in other areas as well. This is just my opinion, but the way i think about it now plus my experience with it over the years, made me …

5 No-Go's working with clients
The worst thing you can do is to think that you can put your own ideas always into client work. Yes, there are clients out there who give you a bit more freedom with the designs, but MOSTLY you just have to create what the client wants. Remember, when you work with a client together, it is all about …

Find your own style. How and is it important?
I will start this blog with a very direct answer to this topic. NOBODY can help you to find your own style, even not you! And i dont say that to discourage you, ou hell no. I’m telling you that because i want you to understand what 'your own style' means.
Finding your own style is …

6 Tips for messaging an Artist for help as a Beginner
I guess that is an obvious point but i still have to list this up. To make something clear. Artists who have a lot of experience, are many years in the industry or have just better skills than you, are NOT better than you.
Don’t put them on a pedestal. In the end, they …

7 Tips for an easier time in Zbrush
Document > BG Gradient Range.
I adjust the slider always to 0 because it is easier to focus on the model when my eyes are not distracted by the gradient in the background. Also, it is pretty useful to have a one-colored background when you export a screenshot in for example Photoshop. Because then …

Your first Art Job. Tips, Strategies, Experiences)
Your normal school will slowly go to end and you get older and come finally to a point where you HAVE TO choose a career path. Or you are already in a job for a longer time and you wanna SWITCH your career into art.
Both are possible. Dont, feel bad when …

8 Reasons why you dont get any text responds
A common but very annoying thing is when you get a message and all you read is 'Hi'. There is no real introduction, no conversation, or any kind of communication or question at all. For a person who is very busy or who has a lot on their plate, this is a big reason for …

5 Things you should never do in your Portfolio/Social accounts
This is pretty obvious but i still have to include it here. Never put your personal address in one of your online accounts. Also, try not to put your phone number out there too. Email is totally enough. And if someone wants to call you, they can …

Which Steps do i do for a full Personal Project
These ladies and gentlemen are a pretty big topic. I try not to make it too long because there is so much to talk about in every step that i could write a whole book about it. But i know we all don’t have time so let’s just dive into it!
First, we have to distinguish …

7 Tips to reduce your Phone Addiction
A simple trick you can do is every time you're getting the urge to grab your phone, replace that urge with something else. Just for a bit. For example, get up from the chair (if you are sitting) and do some sit-ups or walk 10 times up and down in your room. Or …

Being more productive and focused
Do you have big goals and so many things on your list you want to accomplish, but you never get anything done, because after work you are just tired or lazy? Or you are looking at other people who get so many things done in a time that you can’t even imagine for yourself? You only have …

5 Tips on How to use Tutorials the right way
We all know it. We see some discounts on tutorials, and we are immediately in the mood of ‘wanting them‘. There are free ones for a limited time? You need it. A friend is having a new one and is so kind to give it to you. Of course! There are so many opportunities to get new …

Setting the right Fee for your Art
One of the hardest things, when it comes to creating a business or surviving in our daily life, is finding the right rates for your work. Nobody really wanna talk about money, because it’s still a topic that makes other people jealous, angry, or disappointed. Or you are just not allowed to …

9 Things you need for creating good content
A few words in the beginning. When you want to start posting or creating content, you can do that with almost nothing. You don’t need any expensive equipment, you don’t need an education in the topic, you don’t need to be a professional. The only thing you need is …